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The Red Mountain Trail holds some of the most incredible views of any hike in Southern Utah. The trail passes along the Snow Canyon Overlook, which is a site to behold, and carries along through wilderness area that few have seen. This trail can be done on foot, or horseback. The trail cuts through all different types of vegetation and scenery. It can be done as a long day hike, or as a backpacking trip. Be aware of the weather before you go. Although there are small trees along the way, the trail is primarily fully exposed, so prepare accordingly. Be safe and have fun out there!
8.8 miles from trailhead to Ivins. Round Trip length is approx 16 miles if you don’t drop down to the base of Red Mountain.
4-6 hours
Trailhead: 37.279038, -113.654370
BLM, Red Cliffs Desert Reserve
15 miles
Vault Toilets at Trailhead
Shuttle, Overnight Backpack
Spring, Fall, Winter
Morning, Afternoon, Evening
No Limit
No Permit Required
No Cost
No Water Sources Available
Dispersed Camping Available
Dirt Single Track, Slick Rock, Sandy, Rocky
Full Sun Exposure
Directions to Trailhead. From I-15 Exit 6 take Bluff Street north (State Route18). Travel 3.7 miles to Snow Canyon Parkway and continue straight through the intersection. Continue north for another 11.4 miles. Turn left onto a gravel access road leading directly into the trailhead (the turnoff from SR 18 is marked with a large highway sign).
Plants: Typical plant life for Southern Utah lowland hiking.
Animals: Typical animal life for Southern Utah lowland hiking.
HikeStGeorge is a project that began as a seedling for Tim LeBaron in the early part of 2008, but really didn’t begin to blossom until the latter part of 2011. The original idea behind the site was to bring to light all of the harder to find, or “less known” hidden gems of the area. It was more of a pet project than anything. As excitement about the site began to spread, there was more of a push to develop information about all hikes in the Southern Utah Region.
So do you leave one car at Red Mountain Trail head and the other at Gunsight trail head?
That is a very good option if you’re going to hike all the way through. Do that, or have someone come pick you up when you get to the end.
Yes! Probably about 2007. The trailhead off SR 18 was not marked well but there was parking. Easy trail from there I thought but was a slight climb to the rim of Snow Canyon. Found large cat tracks there. Probably a mountain lion lived in the area at that time. Trail has good overlooks of Snow Canyon. Did not hike to Gunsight Trail because I had no way to retrieve my car from starting point as I hiked alone. Thave climbed Gunsight Trail often so I have been along both ends of the trail but never covered full route as I never had a way to return to my starting point except by foot. As I remember there were lots of Ring-Tail Cat tracks near the Gunsight. I know there were people I talked to that had hiked that trail and overnighted then had someone pick them up at the other end. The end on SR 18 is not on the Tortoise Reserve but does enter the reserve and is also on Snow Canyon Park as it has enlarged to cover part of the Tortoise habitat. Get two cars with one at the ending point and drive to the start so you can return with the first car to the other after the hike. Sometimes there has been snow on the trail during the winter. Doesn’t last long though.