NEW Stronger Cell Phone Booster Keeps You Connected Outdoors
Fusion2Go Max
We recently had the chance to test out the new Fusion2Go Max cell phone signal booster in a few different environments in Southern Utah. Because of the terrain and the amount of wide open spaces, there tend to be many pockets that the cell phone towers have a hard time covering. This becomes more common as you get away from the I-15 corridor, and up into the mountains and hills that provide the outdoor experience that many come to Southern Utah to enjoy.
The new Fusion2Go Max is the most powerful multi-user in-vehicle cell signal booster on the market and works with all cell phone carriers. Obviously not all carriers will have the same results, because different carriers have stronger/weaker coverage in different areas. Our tests were all done on the Verizon Wireless network.
Pine Valley Campground
Previous Fusion2Go models have provided strong signals and have been very impressive in areas where there is very spotty cell reception, but none have impressed like the Fusion2Go Max! We did our first test in the Pine Valley Campground in the Pine Valley Recreation area.
Normally, you’ll start to lose service once you start leaving town and head toward the guard shack that leads up the canyon where the all the camping, fishing and hiking are located. You’ll hit little pockets in the camping area where you can get a call out, but it is spotty at best. That was when we switched on our Fusion2Go Max and tested whether we could hold a call through the campground. I was shocked that, not only were we able to keep the call live, but we didn’t have to have the phone on a cradle like other models! This booster gives everyone in the car the boost without confining you to a single user in a single location.
The furthest point in the campground was 2 miles in, surrounded by magnificent pine trees, and I was shocked at our ability to hold a call up there! After turning the booster off and trying to get cell reception, it was clear that without the booster, anyone without one would be up a proverbial creek!
Gunlock State Park
Just south of Gunlock State Park there are some great pull off camping areas on BLM land. The Gunlock area is always a great place for testing these boosters, because the service varies along that road from no service, to spotty, to normal. At the campsite we were staying at with some friends there was a very low signal, and you could sometimes get a text out, and sometimes get a call out if you held your nose right and stood on one foot at the same time. So, when my friend said he wanted to see if he could catch the big college rivalry game that was going on that night I told him good luck as I dug into my dutch oven victuals. I didn’t think much of it until I saw him in my truck with his phone on the dash, my booster turned on, and he was streaming the game – no problem!
Boosters Save Lives
Fortunately I haven’t had to use my booster to save any lives — yet! However, every time I am out in a remote location, prepping for, or returning from a hike, it brings home the reality of my own mortality. It brings comfort that if there was an issue, I would more likely to be able to connect with first responders and loved ones. If you haven’t looked into one of these yet, do yourself and your family members a favor…get connected while you disconnect!

HikeStGeorge is a project that began as a seedling for Tim LeBaron in the early part of 2008, but really didn’t begin to blossom until the latter part of 2011. The original idea behind the site was to bring to light all of the harder to find, or “less known” hidden gems of the area. It was more of a pet project than anything. As excitement about the site began to spread, there was more of a push to develop information about all hikes in the Southern Utah Region.
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